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Our Team

Chillito Foods Global Team

We at Chillito Foods Global treat everyone equally. We believe that our workforce is a family rather than employees. There is a lot of trust and belief in the product that we produce, which helps us deliver optimal output even during hard times like the pandemic.


At Chillito Foods Global, we believe that the best work is born from a shared sense of vision, innovation, commitment & communication. Our executive leadership comprises of industry experts who impart these values within the organization to drive & deliver the best possible results.

"The biggest success is that you have contentment. Hopelessness is not allowed in our religion. You should be persistent. If you are constantly working towards some goal, the devine help is also there for you. If you don't have a goal unfortunately things would go bad for you."

Bhavik Karani

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Bhavik karani is a indian entrepreneur and philanthropist who is the founder and Chairman of Chillito Foods Global. Mr. Bhavik to forward Spice Journey with a dream to rich Globally. He was the first person to recognize the potential in launching an independent company that produced hygienic, packaged high quality recipe mixes and plain spices.
5 years later, Mr. Bhavik has established a company with a strong presence in over 70 countries across the globe. Today, Chillito Foods Global is the number one choice of consumers due to its premium quality and traditional authentic taste.

Nina Karani

Head of International Sales

Hiren Shah

Procurement Manager

Parth Karani

Business Development Manager

Mukesh Vora

Operations Manager

Minakshi rao

Quality Control Manager

Vinod Singh

Export Documentation Specialist

ViShal seth

Logistics Manager
We work together;

we grow together.

Our entire chain from production to result gets executed with utter loyalty, and we grow together, which makes it even better. We work together; we grow together. abore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nost ulvdi exercitation

Real Ingredients

We only use 100% authentic and safe ingredients.

No artificial Color

There is no artificial color added in our product.

Real Flavour

The flavor of our product is natural and genuine.

12, Marine House, 93 Dr Maheshwari Road, Mumbai 400009
72799 00500